Monday, July 11, 2016

Two Humps

This last week we went to Murun, stopping along the way to see the progress of a well station being built in Zuunkhaara, took some media boxes to missionaries who teach English in Darkhan and looked at our proposed project for 3 or 4 cross walks to help with safety of children crossing the street to school.  We also stopped to see some gardens that are doing very well:) Then on to Murun where we checked out a request by a hospital. 

On the way we saw lots of gers and herds--sheep, goats, cows, horses, yaks-- because now that it's summer, the people have moved out of the city and are taking advantage of the beautiful green countryside.  We saw a brand new baby yak, fluffy and furry like a panda bear:)  As we drove near Erdenet we suddenly saw a herd of camels--about 50!  They are losing their winter fur and their 2 humps are kind of floppy.  Camels are mostly in the Gobie Desert, which is down south, so it was fun to see some.  We even saw some baby camels.  Camels in Mongolia have two humps.  It is the only place in the world where there are two humped camels.

In all these things we are doing, the Lord is constantly helping us.  We feel it and we see it - the impossible happens.  Sometimes we think there is no way this can happen and little by little things fall into place and the impossible happens.  Our testimonies grow stronger as the days and weeks move along.  We know the Lord and we know this is His true church restored again upon the earth.  Little by little the prophesies are being fulfilled and the church is fulfilling its destiny.

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